HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGWhat are Two Ways Google Ads Reporting for Shopping Campaigns?

What are Two Ways Google Ads Reporting for Shopping Campaigns?

Google AdWords offers many tools to help you manage your Shopping campaigns, but some of the most helpful are reports. Reports show you what’s happening in your Shopping campaign, so that you can make informed decisions about where you should direct your efforts. Here are two ways to get the most out of your Google Ads reporting for Shopping campaigns. But did you know that there are two different ways to access these reports? The most obvious one is through the Shopping tab within your regular Google Ads account dashboard (it’s located in the upper right-hand corner). However, what some advertisers might not realize is that they can also take advantage of reporting features available specifically through the Google Merchant Center platform.

What is a Shopping campaign in Google Ads?

A Shopping campaign is a campaign that targets customers who are searching or browsing on Google, YouTube, and other sites in the Google Display Network. If you want to reach potential customers who are looking for products to buy—or want ideas about what to buy—a Shopping campaign is the way to go. 

#1: Analytics #2: Reporting provides information about your ads’ performance on all devices that people see. You can also find data about how much money your ads have spent, how often people saw them, where they were seen (for example, mobile device versus desktop), demographics of viewers such as age or gender, and more. Your reports may include graphs to help you understand trends over time. You can download your report data at any time so it’s available offline too!

The types of Google Ads Reports

There are four types of Google Ads Reports: Campaign, Ad Group, Keyword, and Shopping. 

Campaigns report will show you the keyword details and performance metrics of the entire campaign. 

Ad Groups reports will show you the performance metrics of a specific ad group in a campaign or across all your ad groups in all your campaigns. 

Keywords reports will show you the performance metrics of keywords within an ad group or across all your ad groups in all your campaigns. 

Shopping reports will show you the performance metrics of products, product groups, and product labels on Google Shopping Search Partners as well as any other properties that accept Google Ads Shopping feeds. These data points include clicks, impressions, conversion rates, cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), revenue generated from clicks and impressions.

Two Important ways of google ads for shopping campaigns

The first way is to provide a conversion rate. This will show you the percentage of customers who have made a purchase after seeing your ad. The second way is to provide a cost per click (CPC). CPC is the average amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. These numbers can help you determine how much it costs to get a new customer and how often they make purchases after being shown your ad.

 For example, if you’re paying $2.00 every time someone clicks on your ad but only getting one sale out of every 10 clicks, then your advertising campaign isn’t working as well as it could be. You might want to adjust your budget or stop showing these ads entirely until you see an improvement in these numbers. Google also offers other data such as impressions, the number of times your ad was seen by potential customers; interactions, which include clicks, unique page views and other events such as video completion; conversions which include transactions like lead forms submitted and items purchased; Clicks from searches (CSE) which includes any clicks that come from Google search results; Cost per action or interaction (CPA) which tells you how much money was spent for each interaction with your website or app.

The benefits of using Google Ads Reporting

There are many different ways to advertise your products on Google. You can use Google Search, YouTube, and even Gmail to advertise your company or product. However, the most popular way that most companies use is through Shopping Campaigns. There are a few different types of Shopping Campaigns you can do: Product Listing Ads (PLA), Product Ads, and Dynamic Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (DRLSA). PLA allows you to upload a list of products with images and prices on Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) which will then show up in the search listings when people type in keywords related to the product. The only downside is that not all products will show up unless they fall under certain categories such as Clothing or Electronics.

Product Ads is another option where you can put together an ad group around a single product or bundle of products. These are often used if you have new items on sale or if you have limited availability. 

The last option is Dynamic Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (DRLSA). With this method, each time someone searches for one of the items in your store, they’re automatically added to a list that reminds them about these items at regular intervals so they’ll hopefully purchase it before it goes out of stock.

How to interpret Google Ads Reports?

If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time in your Google Ads reports. It’s where I get to see how my ads are performing and learn about my budgeting and campaign settings. And while it can be overwhelming at times, there is a way to make it easier on yourself: learning how to interpret the reports! 

How to read a Google Ads report? First, let’s start with the basics. You’ll find that every Google Ads report has three main sections: Cost & Settings, Ad Performance, and Conversions & Goals. 

Cost & SettingsThis section contains all the information related to your billing info and campaign settings. For example, if you want to look at what types of conversions your campaign is converting into, this would be the place to go. Or if you want to edit your destination URLs, these would also be found here. The Cost & Settings tab also contains details about how much money you’re spending per day or per hour; this will help with budget planning and forecasting any unexpected expenses. Finally, this tab will also show when an ad was last clicked (if relevant), which can help if you think your ad copy isn’t working anymore or needs more attention from viewers.


It’s important to know what each Google Ads report means and how it pertains to your campaign. Here is a quick rundown of the reports you’ll see in the Shopping tab: 

1) Shopping Campaign Summary – This gives you an overview of your Shopping campaign performance, including impressions, clicks, cost-per-click, and conversion rate. 

2) Shopping Activity Report – Displays the number of impressions by date and time range. 

3) Shopping Ad Performance Report – Shows how many clicks each ad received by date and time range. You can also see how many times the ad was clicked on from a search result page or from one of your email messages. The Queries column shows the queries that triggered your ad and their corresponding position. 

You’ll also see when people clicked on your ad, which device they were using, and their geographic location if applicable.



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