HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGWhat Does Link in the Description Mean?

What Does Link in the Description Mean?

Sometimes you’ll see the word ‘link’ in the description of certain YouTube videos, meaning that there’s some kind of link to click on, usually within the video itself. What’s this all about? And where do they lead? If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve encountered the phrase link in the description. What does that mean, exactly? When YouTube users mention this bit of jargon, it’s usually in the context of someone commenting that they’ll include a link to their website or social media page in the video’s comment section, which has historically been called the description section.

This article explains what link in the description means.

How to find it on YouTube

Searching for a video on YouTube can be daunting as you’re bombarded with billions of results. In order to find what you’re looking for, use the search bar at the top of the screen and type in keywords related to your topic. You can also use other YouTube tools like browsing related videos or checking out suggested videos under a video’s title. A particularly useful tool is YouTube filters which are located under the video player. There are four different filters: View Counts, Likes, Dislike, and Relevance. By clicking on any one of these categories will take you to a list of all videos that fall into that category so it is easy to narrow down your search for only those types of videos that interest you most!

How to add it using the desktop YouTube editor

  • Click on the video you want to edit and click on Edit in YouTube Editor at the top of your screen
  • Scroll down to where it says Description and click on Add Link
  • Go to your website, and copy a URL for one of your articles or pages
  • Paste this URL into the box that says Link, then hit Enter
  • Type text into the box below and hit Done
  • Hit Save Changes at the top-right of your screen to save all changes made in the editor

Note: You can also add captions and subtitles to your videos! The same steps are used as above except you go under Transcription instead of Description.

How to use it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The Link In Description feature on Facebook is a great way to get your post seen by people who may not have otherwise seen it. When you write a post, scroll down and click edit settings. This will give you a new box that says Link In Description. Click where it says enter link and enter the link of your webpage or blog post that has the content related to your Facebook post. Once this is done, hit save and publish your post as usual. The reason this works so well is because when someone sees your Facebook post, they don’t have to click anywhere to find out more information about what you are writing about – they can just hover over the link that is listed in your description and see everything there!

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I like to read blogs that have links in the description because I get to learn more about different topics. Most of the time, when there is a link in the description, it is for something like an email signup or a survey. Sometimes, though, you will find websites that want you to sign up for something like an email list. These websites usually give you a free e-book for signing up and I think that is pretty cool! It’s easy to say no if you don’t want their service. It’s important to be careful with what sites we provide our information too so that they can’t steal it and use it against us.



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